Monday, May 20, 2013

R.I.P. Normal Monday Morning

“You have beautiful eyes,” he said as he put his hand on the door. “You both do,” he added nodding towards my friend. “Beautiful. Even you in the back there, cleaning the mirrors.” In the coldest tone ever I muttered a thank you in hopes that it would get him out sooner. He lingered. Why do they always?

Some women have a special energy, an unexplainable aura that attracts the crazies, and it's usually the women that are truly brilliant females with beauty and brains. The ultimate catches. And I will confidently (and finally) state that we are: The three of us women that remained in the quiet Pure Barre studio after yet another fantastic session.

Lingering in the small and cozy lobby became second nature for me after almost a year of attending. It’s like a second home with another amazing family, especially when I get together with these girls. It’s like talking to my soul sisters. Different parents, different faiths, different lives but absolutely similar in everything else. And all it winds down to finding the humor in its simplicities and complexities. So as another seemingly normal morning came into a close so did our conversation…that was until Mr. Slim Shady walked through our studio’s door.

“What’s that guy doing?” Brit asked as she caught a glimpse of him through the glass windows before he came in. I dared not turn around having been used to the shadiest of characters in our lovely Seacliff Village. After all, just 24 hours earlier I was bombarded by a preaching member of some SoCal church congregation, eager to help me with a “proper placement in one of the churches per the Lord’s request.” Every other word was “Praise the Lord” and I began to wonder if she misunderstood me when I said, “Oh yes, I saw the signs [of the church] last week.” Her eyes widened with excitement. “Praise the Lord! I’m ecstatic!” I smiled and told her Pure Barre was about to start in two minutes. (Yes, I’m THAT addicted! #purebarrelife.)

But before I could even ask Brit what she saw through the window he walked in. The shadiest of characters, this man stood at 5’8, raggedy black plaid shorts, dark gray hoodie, ratty old beanie, various facial scabs and a tall almost empty iced vanilla coffee cup from our neighbor Starbucks. Brit and I exchanged the look of “Oh Crap!” as he walked in super jumpy and erratic.

“Hey! What is this place?!?” he called out with great enthusiasm. As if she read my mind, Brit whipped the most brilliant of white lies praying that this guy would get the message. “This is a women’s ballet fitness studio.” We failed. “Oh I love women and I love ballet. Can I stay?” It was clearly a rhetorical question as he found his way to a seat beside me on the couch.

After what felt like an eternity later but only totaled 20 minutes he had given us the most detailed backstory of his apparently magnificent life. An aspiring UFC fighter in training, this late 20s/early 30s something encountered quite a run in with the police due to his undeniable strength (having been able to get through fights as the champion in a matter of minutes), and a lovely 365 days within the state prison because he merely “shoved” his ex-wife out of the bathroom door because she wouldn’t allow him to take a shower. But of course that was only because she kneed his son in the back of the head. He also prefers using his feet verses a car—after all gas prices are still sky rocketing—and he generously invited Brit (and our boyfriends) to join him camping in his lovely beach pit somewhere between Laguna & Seal Beach.

Keeping a polite demeanor is quite difficult for me when I’m uncomfortable, especially around men so hats off to Brit who kept her cool during this entire unwanted exposé. But then again, she wasn’t inches away from him, feeling the smoky stench of his breath on her neck when he explicitly expressed how he is suffering from an awful sexual frustration. The one he has been unwillingly enduring after four awful heartbreaks (the last being a year ago, leaving his gentle heart shattered into thousands of pieces). Apparently ice chomping and fighting have been his release. The bad news was his cup of ice was three cubes away from empty! At that moment I needed a whole other release from this character who was far too close to my body. Kudos to Jay who tucked herself away safely in the back of that studio cleaning the mirrors over and over and over!

Little did we know that we were also in the presence of a literary genius who only stopped writing due to the fact that his works were being stolen and making everyone else but himself rich. “Where are my royalties?” he shouted. I smiled sheepishly wondering if this would end soon. Leaving those girls behind was the last thing I intended on doing but I had an appointment to get to.

“Why do all the pretty girls I meet end up having boyfriends?” he asked when we all alluded to their existence—despite the fact that all we’ve been able to really attract are the ones who put out every interested signal and disappear or are most likely related to this lovely character. “It’s a dog eat dog world out there,” Brit said so nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders. That’s when I knew we had to do something. My trusty iPhone was leaving an imprint in the palm of my right hand because of how tightly I held on to it. Calling Brit or the cops seemed ideal but seeing as how he literally could see what I was dialing I called Pure Barre instead.

The studio phone rang and I realized I should have texted Brit a heads up because as she answered eagerly thinking it was a client her voice came through my phone loud and clear. We exchanged wide eyed glances and I hung up, leaving her leeway to continue pretending she was on the phone with a customer. Of course this meant Slim Shady was now focusing on me. “Is that the iPhone?” Without even turning I said, “Yes.” He exhaled loudly. “Don’t you hate how they are tracking your every move? They know everything about you and what you do and say, you know that?” I pulled out my car keys and stood up. “That’s why I have all applications and GPS settings off. It’s merely my text and call tool.” He wasn’t impressed. “That doesn’t matter. They are still following you,” he said as he stood up closer to me.

If Will Smith is right and Fear Is A Choice I can tell you it was my number one choice here. I walked towards Brit, who was milking that whole client on the phone shpeel, my eyes begging for help yet my mouth trying to withhold the involuntary laughter that I knew was bound to burst out the moment he (hopefully) departed.

“Maybe I’ll come back when there’s a ballet session and watch all you ladies dance,” he said as he mimicked a plié and leg lift, arms movement included. Again, my sheepish smile. That’s when he finally made his way to the door, ice cup completely empty, and reiterated his fascination in our beauty.

Only after we ensured our safety and announced the need to lock that damn door did Brit get off the fake phone call and I let out the long awaited burst of laughter. “Holy crap!” was all we could say. From the back Jay called out, “Oh my god!” and that only sent me into a deeper laughter realizing she had found refuge in a bottle of Windex and paper towels. But she was not forgotten. No, Slim Shady did acknowledge her beauty and cleaning efforts as he walked out of our studio.

“Where do these people find me?” Brit asked. I shook my head and smiled. “Girl, it must be the vibe our presence together is sending because I attract his type as well.” I resisted the temptation to shout, “Praise the Lord” because no one would have understood the reference. But it’s true; I must admit it was something I would praise the Lord for. Only women like us encounter these experiences because women like us can fathom the humor and brilliance out of these adventures. Conjure up comedy, blog pieces and lessons to enjoy. After all, that’s why I started Lady Narrator. It’s my realization that I will forever make sure to find beauty, comedy and adventure in even the littlest of things I experience in my life. And although I titled this R.I.P. Normal Monday Morning, I will confess, normal is so underrated in my life. Instead I will go on being myself, recognizing the confidence that I have to dig deep for every day, and analyze every bit of it like I love to.

So after he left I couldn’t help but wonder aloud, “What are these men thinking when they graciously approach us? Are their expectations really high enough to have hoped one of us would take the place of his ice cup? Believe his ridiculous stories? I mean what?” But just like Brit said, Slim Shady is one of many. He’s not the first ex-con I’ve been approached by. I’ve even been lucky enough to get a man IN prison pursue me via email and phone. How the hell he got my information is beyond me!

I guess the morals of Lady Narrator’s story today are: (1) next time lock the door once class is over, (2) at least I’ve met my soul mates who can enjoy these experiences maturely and intelligently and (3) Praise the Lord! We are safe and sound…except of course for the fact that we all have iPhones and are currently being stalked by Apple Inc. and whoever else they work with on tracking their customers.